Commercial Depository Service





The Commercial Depository Service offers a convenient and secure way to deposit funds outside of normal banking hours.

The Commercial Depository Service which is commonly referred to as the Night Depository Service facilitates the deposit of cash or cheques by businesses and organisations outside of regular banking hours using a deposit wallet or disposable deposit bag which is deposited into the night safe.

  • Businesses
  • Organisations
  • Schools
  • Churches
  1. Prepare your deposit slip and place same along with cash &/or cheques into the deposit wallet or disposable deposit bag.
  2. Using your assigned key, unlock the night safe at the designated branch and place bags one at a time into chute.
  3. Close the night safe and reopen to ensure the bags have descended down the chute.
  4. Close and lock the night safe then retrieve key.
  5. The night safe is cleared the following business day and deposits processed to accounts the same day.
  6. Deposit duplicates are placed in the deposit wallet to be uplifted by customer and duplicates from the disposable deposit bag are mailed to the customer.
  • The deposit wallet is rented at an annual fee of GY$18,000: plus, VAT.
  • The cost per disposable deposit bag is GY$300.
  • Canisters for large deposits are rented for GY$20,000: monthly.
Terms and Conditions Benefits

The Commercial Depository Service is available at all of our branches

 Businesses with multiple outlets have access to a wide network of Commercial Depository locations

24 hours access

Reduces risk by eliminating the need to store money on business premises

Ability to deposit at your convenience

Available options:

  • Deposit wallet


  • Disposable deposit bag

The deposit wallet carries a lock with two (2) keys, one of which is held by the customer and the other the Bank.

The disposable deposit bag is self-sealing and allows for single use.

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