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Decide. Do. Repeat

    MOTIVATIONAL   MINUTE     By KaTe                                     become good at anything, we must choose a path

                                                                          of constant learning, and be willing to step out of
                                  nfluence,  duty,  culpability,  trustworthiness  our comfort zone and up to the challenge – DE-
                                  and dependability – these are just some of  CIDE, DO and REPEAT.  Try applying these few
                                                                          tips in your quest to becoming a more responsi-
                                  the words aligned to the essence of what be-
                             Iing responsible truly means.  The sounds of  ble individual:
                              these words ooze power but are incomparable to
                              the authority demonstrated when they form part    Stick to your word.  Nothing says “responsible”
                              of the behaviours of an individual.  This is the   like a person who commits to something and ac-
                              essence that we must lead with.             tually follows through.  If you say you are going
                                                                          to do something, DO IT!  In so doing, you estab-
                              Now at this point you might be thinking “This ar-  lish trust and build your repertoire as a depend-
                              ticle isn’t for me because I ain’t no leader”.  Not  able leader.
                              so fast!  As the words of Peter Drucker echo “The
                              leader sees leadership as responsibility rather   Think before you act and consider the conse-
                              than as rank and privilege”.  A title does not make   quences.   Whether good or bad, your actions
                              you a leader, but rather your demonstration of the   have consequences.  It’s easy to be hasty in the
                              essence of responsibility.                  heat of the moment, but know that if you create
                                                                          your own storm, expect the rain.  Try this – pause,
                              Is it easy to do?  Of course not!  But to grow and  breathe and think.  Make the effort to stop what

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